Cameron Homes seeks your views on proposals for the second phase of residential development at Cameron Homes’ site to south of Landywood Lane and west of Streets Lane.
The Site
The site, which is in single land ownership, comprises of previously mined land which remains unrestored. The site extents to approximately 5.5 hectares (excluding the proposed Country Park).
The site lies to the south of Cameron Homes’ recently completed Wood Heath development (within blue lines identified) and would naturally form a second phase to this scheme. To the east of the site lies Streets Lane, to the west Upper Landywood Lane and to the south, open countryside.
There are a number of constraints present as follows:
- Unrestored, previously mined land with a number of existing mine shafts
- Hedgerows and hedgerow trees restricted to field margins
- Site slopes from north to south
- Elements of the site remain within the Green Belt.
There are a number of opportunities present as follows:
- Restoration of the land to make safe, including the capping of existing mine shaft entries.
- Existing hedgerows can be retained and strengthened and a new strong
- Green Belt boundary provided to the south of the site
- Delivery of significant new green infrastructure including a Country Park and allotments that will strengthen the role of land to remain within the Green Belt and benefit the residents within both Great Wyrley and Cheslyn Hay
- Biodiversity net gain can be achieved on site through the creation of new habitats and green spaces, including the proposed Linear Park.
Policy Context
The District Council adopted a Site Allocations Document (SAD) in September 2018. Policy SAD3 (Safeguarded for Longer Term Development Needs) identified part of the site as safeguarded land to meet longer term housing development needs between 2028 and 2038, or to be released through an early review of the Local Plan. Upon adoption of the SAD, this element of the site was removed from the Green Belt.
The SAD identified the remaining elements of the site as Open Space. These elements of the site remain within the Green Belt to support the delivery of allotments and green infrastructure, including a large Country Park.
South Staffordshire District Council is currently undertaking a Local Plan Review and the site is identified as a draft housing allocation. The draft policy sets out the following key requirements:
- Minimum of 109 dwellings to be delivered across the site
- To deliver an off-site country park and land for allotments on the adjacent land parcels on the policies map identified as green infrastructure, including display board highlighting the sites mining heritage.
- Any historic environment mitigation for the site, as identified in the council’s Historic Environment Site Assessment Stage 2 (2022), including any mitigation required as a result of archaeological investigations
- Create a strong defensible boundary along the south-west edge of the site
- Any relevant policy requirements including affordable housing, open space, education, health, sports and recreation, energy efficiency, climate change mitigation, flood risk mitigation, highways, sustainable transport, housing mix and green infrastructure, delivered in line with the relevant development plan policy standards.
What is being Proposed?
The proposal includes the construction of 140 new homes ranging in size to meet needs of first time buyers, couples and families.
The housing mix would include a range of detached and semi-detached homes, including the provision of affordable housing (40% of all homes) and bungalows.
CGI HOUSETYPES (House Type Image 1 and House Type Image 2)
It is proposed to access the site through the recently constructed access off Landywood Lane that serves the Wood Heath development. This junction was designed to serve up to 200 homes and was approved by the Council in February 2022.
The existing Public Rights of Way will be retained in situ and will provide pedestrian connectivity to existing services and facilities and the proposed Country Park and allotments.
Open Space
New public open space is proposed within the site, to include an extension to the central open space being delivered as part of the Wood Heath development. This centrally located village green provides equipped play and links to proposed green corridors providing access to a new large Country Park to the west of the site (fronting Upper Landywood Lane) and provision of allotments to the south of the site (fronting Streets Lane).
The areas of public open space will include soft landscaping and planting and will be overlooked by the proposed new homes.
No trees or hedgerows would be removed as part of the development. There are opportunities for new tree and hedgerow planting as part of the proposals, including the provision of street trees.
The development would link into the existing attenuation pond delivered by Cameron Homes as part of the Wood Heath scheme. This has been designed to make allowance for storm events up to the 1 in 100 year return period plus an appropriate allowance for climate change.
The development would link into the existing attenuation pond delivered by Cameron Homes as part of the Wood Heath scheme. This has been designed to make allowance for storm events up to the 1 in 100 year return period plus an appropriate allowance for climate change.
Local Infrastructure
On site provision and/or financial contributions will be provided towards local infrastructure to mitigate any impact of the development. These contributions will be secured through a legal agreement. Any on site infrastructure or off-site financial contributions will be finalised through a future planning application following discussion with South Staffordshire District Council and other infrastructure providers.
Local Infrastructure
On site provision and/or financial contributions will be provided towards local infrastructure to mitigate any impact of the development. These contributions will be secured through a legal agreement. Any on site infrastructure or off-site financial contributions will be finalised through a future planning application following discussion with South Staffordshire District Council and other infrastructure providers.
What is the Design Approach?
The design of the proposed layout has been informed by a number of constraints and opportunities including the presence of trees and hedgerows, any longer-distance views of the site and the need to protect the amenity of residents, including existing neighbours.
The key design principles are as follows:
Design and Character
Cameron Homes is committed to the highest quality of design and detailing in all of its developments. It is acknowledged that good quality architectural and public realm detailing is intrinsic to delivering a quality development.
In particular, the elevation design and architectural detailing will pay particular attention to the following:
The proposal aims to strike a balance between designing homes in response to local architecture and character and also creating an attractive, modern development in its own right with a clear structure and identity. Materials are of a simple palette of red brick with grey and brown roof tiles.
Use of good quality materials including stock bricks and subtle traditional detailing.
Traditional canopies and door surrounds complement the design style of the dwellings.
External front and garage door styling selected to provide a cohesive design approach with complementary styles and finishes.
Garden well boundaries facing the street and public realm will be brick in prominent locations.
Use of good quality materials including stock bricks and subtle traditional detailing.
External front and garage door styling selected to provide a cohesive design approach with complementary styles and finishes.
Traditional canopies and door surrounds complement the design style of the dwellings.
Garden well boundaries facing the street and public realm will be brick in prominent locations.
The design of the proposed layout has been informed by a number of constraints and opportunities including the presence of trees and hedgerows, any longer-distance views of the site and the need to protect the amenity of residents, including existing neighbours.
The key design principles are as follows:
What happens next?
We will consider all the feedback and suggestions received as part of this consultation and use them to help shape the proposals for this site. A planning application will then be submitted to South Staffordshire District Council. South Staffordshire District Council will undertake a further consultation once an application is submitted.
Updates on the proposed development will be provided on this website.